
诗词 2024-06-02 16:41:00 131


I Think I Can
If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you want to win but think you can't;
It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in a state of mind.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

The DaffodilsWilliam WordsworthI wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high over vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host , of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.独自漫游似浮云,青山翠谷上飘荡;一刹那瞥见一丛丛、一簇簇水仙金黄;树荫下,明湖边,和风吹拂舞翩跹。Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹;一湾碧波边缘,绵延,望不尽;只见万千无穷,随风偃仰舞兴浓。The waves beside them danced, but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gayIn such a jocund company!E gaze –and gazed –but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:花边波光潋滟,怎比得繁花似锦;面对如此良伴,诗人怎不欢欣!凝视,凝视,流连不止;殊不知引起悠悠情思;For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.兀自倚憩息,岑寂,幽然冥想;蓦地花影闪心扉,独处方能神往;衷心喜悦洋溢,伴水仙、舞不息


 Lake of Autumn I remember quite clearly now when the story happened. The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground, recovering the lake, where we used to swim like children, under the sun was there to shire. That time we used to be happy. Well, I thought we were. But the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. On that precious night, watching the lake, vaguely conscious. You said:" our story is ending." The rain was killing the last days of summer, you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago. I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story. You took it all away from me. And there I stand, I knew I was going to be the one left behind. But still I'm watching the lake, vaguely conscious, and I know my life is ending. 


the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when i stand in front of you yet you don''''t know that i love you the furthest distance in the world is not when i stand in font of you yet you can''''t see my love but when undoubtedly knowing the love from both yet cannot be togehter the furthest distance in the world is not being apart while being in love but when plainly can not resist the yearning yet pretending you have never been in my heart the furthest distance in the world is not but using one''''s indifferent heart to dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you. 泰戈尔i long to speak the deepest words i have to say to you; but i dare not, for fear you should laugh. that is why i laugh at myself and shatter my secret in jest. i make light of my pain, afraid you should do so. i long to tell you the truest words i have to say to you; but i dare not, being afraid that you would not believe them. that is why i disguise them in untruth, saying the contrary of what i mean. i make my pain appear absurd, afraid that you should do so. i long to use the most precious words i have for you; but i dare not, fearing i should not be paid with like value. that is why i gave you hard names and boast of my callous strength. i hurt you, for fear you should never know any pain. i long to sit silent by you; but i dare not lest my heart come out at my lips. that is why i prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words. i rudely handle my pain, for fear you should do so. i long to go away from your side; but i dare not, for fear my cowardice should become known to you. that is why i hold my head high and carelessly come into your presence. constant thrusts from your eyes keep my pain fresh for ever. 泰戈尔 园丁集 我想要对你说出我要说我的最深的话语,我不敢,我怕你哂笑。 因此我嘲笑自己,把我的秘密在玩笑中打碎。 我把我的痛苦说得轻松,因为怕你会这样做。 我想对你说出我要说的最真的话语,我不敢,我怕你不信。 因此我弄假成真,说出和我的真心相反的话。 我把我的痛苦说得可笑,因为我怕你会这样做。 我想用宝贵的名词来形容你,我不敢,我怕得不到相当的酬报。 因此我给你苛刻的名字,而夸示我的硬骨。 我伤害你,因为怕你永远不知道我的痛苦。 我渴望静默地坐在你的身旁,我不敢,怕我的心会跳到我的唇上。 因此我轻松地说东道西,把我的心藏在语言的后面。 我粗暴地对待我的痛苦,因为我怕你会这样做。 我渴望从你身边走开,我不敢,怕你看出我的懦怯。 因此我随随便便地昂着走到你的面前。 从你眼里频频掷来的刺激,使我的痛苦永远新鲜。

when you are old
when you are old and gray and full of sleep
and nodding by the fire, take down this book,
and slowly read, and dream of the soft look
your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
how many loved your moments of glad grace,
and loved your beauty with love false or true;
but one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
and loved the sorrows of your changing face;
and bending down beside the glowing bars,
murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
and paced upon the mountains overhead,
and hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
当你老了 (叶芝)
不是 生与死的距离
而是 我站在你面前
不是 我站在你面前
而是 爱到痴迷
不是 我不能说我爱你
而是 想你痛彻心脾
不是 我不能说我想你
而是 彼此相爱
不是 彼此相爱
不是 树与树的距离
而是 同根生长的树枝
不是 树枝无法相依
而是 相互了望的星星
不是 星星之间的轨迹
而是 纵然轨迹交汇
不是 瞬间便无处寻觅
而是 尚未相遇
《the most distant way in the world 》
the most distant way in the world
is not the way from birth to the end.
it is when i sit near you
that you don't understand i love u.
the most distant way in the world
is not that you're not sure i love u.
it is when my love is bewildering the soul
but i can't speak it out.
the most distant way in the world
is not that i can't say i love u.
it is after looking into my heart
i can't change my love.
the most distant way in the world
is not that i'm loving u.
it is in our love
we are keeping between the distance.
the most distant way in the world
is not the distance across us.
it is when we're breaking through the way
we deny the existance of love.
so the most distant way in the world
is not in two distant trees.
it is the same rooted branches
can't enjoy the co-existance.
so the most distant way in the world
is not in the being sepearated branches.
it is in the blinking stars
they can't burn the light.
so the most distant way in the world
is not the burning stars.
it is after the light
they can't be seen from afar.
so the most distant way in the world
is not the light that is fading away.
it is the coincidence of us
is not supposed for the love.
so the most distant way in the world
is the love between the fish and bird.
one is flying at the sky,
the other is looking upon into the sea

